
Blood Feast was everything the series has been building towards as far as Lio and Cassia’s relationship is concerned.

Finally getting to experience the most sacred part of Hesperine culture firsthand was everything I had been waiting for and made my heart so happy. I love getting to learn more about the Hesperine’s and with Cassia becoming fully immersed in their society it was an opportunity to learn alongside her as she navigated what it meant to be fully Hesperine herself. And considering how long anticipated it has been for Cassia to become one with Lio in every way, the satisfaction of this was so extreme.


Vela Roth’s Blood Gift is how you keep a master-class in how to keep a series fresh and interesting

The payoff in Vela Roth’s Blood Gift from storylines and plot points set up in the last several books was phenomenal. There was a culmination of so many things that had been introduced in previous books and returned in some manner, and for this reason consider this my spoiler warning for those who might not have caught up on all the books yet, and proceed with extreme caution.


Blood Sanctuary blew me away

Blood Sanctuary Part 1 by Vela Roth was another delightful sequel in the Blood Grace series. I continue to blown away by this series and I can’t get enough of it. If you haven’t read Blood Mercy yet, and you love fantasy and romance, please do pick these books up!


Vela Roth’s Blood Solace is an incredible sequel

Holy moly when I tell you this book was a wild ride. Here’s the thing about second books, I find in so many cases they don’t QUITE live up to the first book when it’s one that I find incredible. This is a typical occurrence, otherwise known as second book syndrome. Blood Solace by Vela Roth did not suffer from this affliction. I loved it just as much as the first and never felt like it lacked.


Vela Roth’s Blood Mercy is everything I want in fantasy

I don’t even know where to start with my thoughts on this one, in large part out of fear of not doing justice to what I just read. Blood Mercy completely snuck up on me, in the best possible way. I just stumbled across it searching through book suggestions on kindle unlimited so I had zero expectations going into it.