
Son of the Drowned Empire is a must read in one of my favourite series

This book. This series. This author. Son of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Diane Mallis was such an emotional, character driven “novella” – I use quotes because, let’s be real, it’s a full-sized novel with the size of it – made perfectly for the Rhyan stans out there. Of which I am faithfully one of. What makes this book more than anything is the character development it provides for Rhyan, because it is immense and it is touching and brutal.


Lady of the Drowned Empire is just…wow

Lady of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Mallis is the third book in the main story following Lyriana. I was so happy to be able to jump straight into the third book after finishing the second (big thanks to the author, Frankie, for the ARC).


Guardian of the Drowned Empire is a perfect sequel

I’m reeling a little bit after finishing Guardian of the Drowned Empire. So much happened, particularly in the last half of the book. I had a number of theories from the first book, Daughter of the Drowned Empire, going into this book, and some were actually confirmed by the end. But let me reiterate. So. Much. Happens. Part of me doesn’t even know where to start because my mind is just a whirlwind after turning the last page.