
Sara Raasch’s The Nightmare Before Kissmas is a cute little romcom that had me laughing at the characters antics, while also rooting for the romance in equal measures.

Coal is the rebellious, screw up of a Christmas Prince in training to become the King of Christmas despite hating the idea of a role that relies solely on cheapening Christmas as a holiday to nothing more than “plastic trinkets”. Coal’s life is thrown off kilter even further when he is stuck between the overwhelming attraction he feels for a mysterious stranger he meets one night, and his familial duty of an arranged marriage to the Princess of Easter which his father expects of him.

I was so there for how much Coal was simping over Hex, and in particular Hex wearing his corset. It was adorable and the fact that Coal is so smitten with Hex from the instant he meets him made this such a cute read.

The unique world was a highlight of the book. I found the fact of each separate holiday having its own royal family and the competitiveness with which the families (here’s looking at you Christmas) would try to be the best of the best was such an interesting concept. I really enjoyed how they each came from a world of everything you would expect from each holiday, and that the families would epitomize the concept of the holidays. Not to mention that they would each come together and interact with one another and the ways in which they effect the rest of the world through their holidays. And of course the competition (at least in Christmas’ eyes as far as acquiring joy, the source of power for their magic).

All together it was a very cute read and I really enjoyed the relationship and interactions between Coal and Hex. They were too cute for words and impossible not to root for. Especially with their opposite personalities which worked so well together. Even the friendships in this book were a highlight though, particularly between Coal, Iris, and Kris. They had such a pure relationship and were there for one another no matter what. And I also loved the text chain between the three of them which had me laughing frequently. This was definitely a nice little romcom and perfect for a quick, easy read.

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