Once again David Wellington manages to create such a perfect air of horror that the entire read is wrought with tension and paranoia. At every moment the reader is left wondering when something horrifying will jump out at the characters and the concern this generates for their safety is intense as no one ever feels safe.
This second book in the series uncovers all new territory and I was super excited to read it as the characters finally reached planet-side at the very end of the first book, and this sequel explores the all new world of Paradise-1 and the mysteries that Petrova was sent to uncover.
The characters are just as compelling as they were in the first book, I loved every one of them for different reasons and desperately wanted them to survive. They are all so different and yet form such close bonds through the trials they endure. This time they face a new threat in the form of revenants and the mystery just deepens which had me flipping through the pages and unable to stop. I will say the sequel was not quite up to the standards of the first book in my opinion, but I still loved it immensely and both wanted to race through it to finally get some answers as to what is going on with Paradise-1, and also did not want the book to end. I think this comes more from the fact of there being a touch less horror vibes as in Paradise-1, and this was an element I was obsessed with. Again though, it is still an incredible book and I loved it immensely, and was deeply obsessed with the entire read.
The ending was satisfying in that it finally felt like some answers were starting to present themselves, and yet at the same time had me devastated that it was over because I just need more. It also left things at such an interesting point that I may or may not have yelled out “no!” when I turned the page just to find out that it had been the last one and the book was over. I cannot handle the wait I’m not going to have to deal with until the next book. Consider me addicted to this series, I just want to keep reading it and cannot wait until the third book releases.