
The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava is an adorable debut rom-com that hooked me instantly

Ember has not had an easy time finding a decent job. Her dream has been to get a nice, stable position in accounting, and yet after rejection after rejection she has had enough.

So she decided to fudge a few details on her application, number one being to check the White box rather than Native American to see if this will give her better luck. And lo and behold, she finally secured the position of her dreams. However, her expectations are thrown off when she finds herself working with handsome Native American Danuwoa in a work environment that frowns upon inter office dating. She doesn’t want to mess up the incredible job opportunity she has secured, but boy is he tempting.

The interactions between Ember and Danuwoa, aka native daddy, were everything. I lived for every scene they were together in because they had such incredible chemistry and such good banter. It’s difficult not to immediately ship them together because they are everything. They had great banter and an adorable ability to communicate with each other without words. I just wanted them to give in to their attraction because they were so adorable. All of Ember’s lies did give me some major anxiety though. Once she started it was like a downhill landslide from there and I was constantly worried for her as far as getting caught. Especially with how it could affect her budding connection with Danuwoa.

But stress aside I loved watching their connection play out and could not put the book down. I so desperately would love to see more romances from the author, Danica Nava, and eagerly await word of the next release because I am an immediate fan and need more of both her writing, and the essential knowledge she provides on the indigenous community and experiences.


By Danielle Plant

An avid reader and runner. I like to spend my spare time with my dogs Reese and Orion.

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